March 11 Lecture, Mt Helens Rumbles

Mt Helens Rumbles

Coughing up ash: Mount Saint Helens reminds scientists that she's anything but inactive.
Steam and ash streamed out of Washington's Mount St. Helens on Tuesday. What are scientists saying about the latest rumblings from under the Earth?
Try the following activities:
Listen for Understanding [don't take down notes]
Listen again but this time take notes!
Listening for Details
Cloze Test
YOUR TURN: Go to our online forum and post your answers to the following questions:
If you lived near this mountain, what information about volcanoes do you think you would need to know? What questions might you want to have answered?
Why do you think that so much attention is being given to the activity at Mount St. Helens?
Group Work: Write a summary of the St. Mt. Helens material.
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