Listening and Speaking Summer 2005 Remedial Class
For July 4, Monday
Welcome to the Listening and Speaking Course Summer Remedial Class at Wen Zao Ursuline College of Foreign Languages.
This is an intensive Listening and Speaking class which runs from July 4 to July 27. We will be meeting everyday at 8:20 pm to 9:55 pm (Taiwan time). I will be checking attendance everyday. Rules and class guidelines are stated on the syllabus which is available online for download (please see the link below). I suggest that you print this out and keep it for reference.
I will also be using this blog to provide you with updates on lessons and assignments (so save this page to your Favourites).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write. You can do so by clicking on the "comments" button below.
For Assignment 1, Look at the list of situations on p142 of your book, Interactions 2, listening & Speaking, 4th Ed to help you compose your paragraph.
Would you expect a friend to do these things for you? Would do these things for a friend? Post your answers at the class forum. To go there, click this link.
Please note that aside from this written assign, you also need to record your voice and save the file as mp3 or wav. Email the recording to me at
Aiden Yeh

Interactions Two: Listening and Speaking
Judith Tanka, Lida Baker
(University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Los Angeles)

Course: Listening and Speaking Summer 2005 Remedial Class
Download Syllabus, click here
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