Police Arrest, Handcuff 5-Year-Old Girl

AP Video - Fri Apr 22, 5:57 PM ET An attorney says he plans legalaction against Florida police officers who handcuffed an unrulyfive-year-old girl. Police were called to the elementary school in St. Petersburg March 14th after the girl acted up in her kindergarten class. A video camera, which was rolling as part of a classroom exercise that day, captured the child appearing to calm down before threeofficers approach, pin her arms behind her back and put handcuffson her as she screams, "No!"

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While the shot of the girl being arrested is striking, it is important to see the rest of the tape for full context. Below are several different cuts from the video.
From ABC Action News, click here.
Police, activists speak out over 5-year-old's videotaped arrest, click here.